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 In Blog, Bulb growing, George Anderson, Spring Show

The recent periods of bright sunshine have had a dramatic effect on many of my pots of bulbs for the Caley Spring Bulb Show.

The show is still some two weeks away and so the pots have been moved to various locations around the garden to keep them cool and shaded in the hope that the flowers will stay fresh for the Show.


There are not many pots left in the glasshouse. Those in flower need to be moved outside and others still in tight bud will remain for one or two days more.

Some of the pots are almost in full flower and will be moved out of the sun into shade to keep them back.

All fingers toes and other parts crossed in the hope that they will keep fresh.

It’s never easy is it??

 Remember the Aberdeen Spring Flower Show is on Saturday 19th March and Sunday 20th March between 12 and 4pm  in the David Welch Winter Garden, Duthie Park , Aberdeen AB11 7TH

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