Tidying up the Allotment

 In Allotment, Blog

Today we worked on the repair of the compost bins.  Ours are made from pallets and, unfortunately, three had rotted and needed replaced. In winter, most of the plot is in shade until early afternoon but luckily the compost bins were in the sunshine, so we all helped and cleared out the storage area behind. A lot of the wood that we had kept (because it might be useful one day) had rotted so is now only useful for the bonfire, but the area is now looking much better and more organised.

Hard at work on the compost bins

Now we are into November, the garlic was planted in a bed which gets some winter sun. The variety grown is ‘Radar’ plus a couple of the bulbs we had grown this summer from the Really Garlicky company in Nairn. The last apple was picked and the apples in store checked again. There were still some autumn raspberries and a few more to come but that will depend on having some dry, sunny and warmish weather.

Clarkia still in flower

Jobs for next week

  • Weeding in the comfrey bed and along the edges
  • Tidy the hut
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