Two weeks to go

 In Blog, Bulb growing, George Anderson

There are just two weeks to go until the show and the cold East winds and flurries of snow are expected this weekend but in George’s Garden there are signs of growth and prospects look reasonable for the Caley Spring Show.


George’s Hyacinths three days ago before he brought them into the living room

Their flowers have started to open and so they have been returned to the cold glasshouse to hold them back and settle them down.

The pots of Caley Daffodils are progressing well and have been in the cold glasshouse all week.


They may need to be brought into the heat again next week to get the flowers out in time.

The Flower buds on Viking and Pink Smiles are well advanced

The Scamp Challenge bulbs are well budded and starting to show colour

The pot of Tulip has thrown up a number of little sideshoots which need to be removed. To put all the vigour into the main flower stems.

The tulips look better with the sideshoots removed.

George suggests that if your pots are not as well advanced as his that you bring your pots of Caley bulbs into the heat over the weekend to push them on a little more.

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