Warm sunny day on the allotment

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A wonderful warm day though close and the heat and rain over the last week has made a noticeable difference to everything, but especially the sweetcorn now romping away.

The redcurrants have been netted and we spent most of the time weeding round the currants, courgettes and soft fruit and weeding and thinning out the carrots. The heritage peas have grown taller than expected so the netting needed raised.

The onions,’Centurion‘, have grown well and the leaves are now turning yellow so time to stop the growth by lifting them a little with the fork to break the roots.  We’ll leave them for a couple of weeks before we pull them up and hang up to dry. The grass had another cut.

The broad beans are ready and at their best being small and tender. We dug up the first shaw of the new potatoes, ‘Colleen‘, and found out what happens if you leave them in the ground to grow.  They are rather on the large side for new potatoes.

New tatties Colleen

Allotment Open Day
Sunday 7 August

Jobs for next week
Check for flatworm first thing
Weeding and clearing in the rhubarb bed

Keep the hoe going in the other already weeded beds

Weeding round the hazels

Water tubs and courgettes

Put the hose on the soft fruit, peas, cabbages etc if no decent rain

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