Watch out for March winds
George suggests you get ready to hold on to your hat for much of the coming week. March gales are due with 40 mph winds forecast right through until Thursday at least.
The pots of mixed bulbs in the sunny sheltered corner may need to be moved because it is upsetting to bring them on to this stage of growth just to have them bashed and tattered by the wind. He will keep an eye on them

Perdredda, Dalmeny, Bere Ferrer and Euryalas
The pots of Caley Daffodil bulbs are all looking good. Nevertheless the two most backward pots, Perdredda and Dalmeny have been moved into the warmth of the living room for a couple of days just to push them on.
Remember if you are doing the same thing, make sure that you only keep them inside for 2-3 days as longer than this can force them too much and make the stems too long and week.
The two pots of Euryalas are still showing a difference in growth and both have been put into a shaded area at the side of the house just to hold them back.
It is possible to keep flowers in good condition for about three weeks after they first open by keeping them cool and shaded.

China Pink, Kronos, Ancilla and Griegs Happy.
The hyacinths and Tulips meanwhile are starting to colour up.
The pots of Tulips have also been moved to the shaded corner to stop the flowers from opening too soon. Once tulip flowers open they loose their shape and often fail to close up properly at night. George is trying to prevent them from opening by keeping them in the shade.
The two pots of Scamp Challenge bulbs are showing flower buds now and are in the cold glasshouse at the moment.
George may move them into the warmth of the living room later in the week just to push them on a bit more. George finds it is easier to keep flowers back than it is to force them to open at the last moment.
With only 18 days to go until the Spring Show the excitement is mounting.
More to report next week – I hope.