Wet and miserable – but still busy!

 In Allotment, Blog

Coppicing the hazels.

A miserable day, dull and pretty moist, but we all arrived and carried on regardless. The ground was too wet to do any work so,  as most of the leaves had fallen from the willow and hazel, the pruning of these was started. The hazel is coppiced each year and the main stems are trimmed of their sideshoots.  Most will be used in the windbreak to reinforce the structure. The sideshoots and the willow branches will be used as infill.

The outdoor store was tidied up as well though not too much since some anima,l possibly a hedgehog, seems to have gone to ground at one side and we didn’t want to disturb it.

We also had a delivery of wood for repair of the raised beds. The wood bought in 2007 is rotting away and was not really substantial enough anyway, so time to replace it. We have already done a lot of repairs to these beds and this will be the last – for a few years to come anyway.

Jobs for next week

  • Raised bed repairs
  • Finish willow pruning
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