With an increase in day length and a couple of days of reasonable sunshine, the pots of Caley Show bulbs have put on some growth. They have not been watered […]
Mild today, though windy. Strong gusts kept the rain away until we were on our way home – when the heavens finally opened – very lucky! Winter pruning was completed […]
Allotment Tales 13-02-2025 Overcast today, but not as cold as forecast – possibly due to our average 4 layers of clothing, or to the welcome warmth from today’s bonfire. But […]
With Valentines Day been and gone and the pots of Caley bulbs lifted and cleaned up, it is time to start the process of preparing for the Caley Spring Bulb […]
Lovely bright day, frosty but the plot thawed throughout the morning. Birdsong lent an early Spring-like feel to the day and a sense of preparation for the growing season. We […]
Allotment Tales 30-01-2025: A bright but nippy day Much of Thursday’s work was focused on repairing damage from last week’s Storm Eowyn. Compared to the devastation wreaked across Northern [...]