6 weeks to go until the Caley Spring Bulb Show
With an increase in day length and a couple of days of reasonable sunshine, the pots of Caley Show bulbs have put on some growth. They have not been watered or fed yet but now that the pots have dried out a bit I will start watering and liquid feeding this week.
The hyacinths and Tulips look OK.
- Hyacinth Purple Sensation and Tulip Roasanne
- The unwanted additional flower spike awaiting attention!
The tulips have assumed a reddish hue which is quite normal but one of the Hyacinths has two flower spikes. I will remove the smaller of the two later and hope for the best.

Scamp Challenge
The pots of Scamp Challenge bulbs look good and like the other pots just need a bit of a clean up.

N. Ballroom Queen and N. Halloon
The pot of Ballroom Queen looks a bit rough to say the least. Something must have happened to it in the plunge so it is another fingers crossed situation but I am sure all will be well. Meanwhile the pot of Halloon seems happy enough.

N. Precocious and N. Teal
There are flower buds showing on the pot of Teal so steps will be taken to slow its development down a bit. I will leave it in the cold glasshouse for another week and then perhaps put it out into a shaded spot. The pot of Precocious is fine so far.
There are six weeks until the show and with the season looking to be quite advanced it will be necessary to perhaps slow down the growth and development of some of the cultivars.
Happy pottering