Allotment News
A pleasant day for working on the plot.
Two rows of beetroot were planted out. These had been grown as plug plants to give them a headstart over the slugs and snails and the remainder of the root crops in the bed were thinned and weeded.
A lot of weeding went on today – taking out the crop of double red poppies we had this year, forget-me-nots, teasels and feverfew.
The slugs have been a problem this year and we have had little success with most of the directly sown crops especially the carrots, beetroot and dwarf French beans. The crops that have been grown on and put in as young plants have done much better – but that causes us more work!
We didn’t manage to put in supports for the succession rows of peas last week because of the rain, so that was a priority today and the winter brassicas, sprouts and kale, have grown so well they needed their stout stakes put in.
We had a picking of Tayberries, raspberries, gooseberries, potatoes and a couple of cabbages.
Don’t forget – Open Day and Fruit Pruning workshop on Sunday 25 August 2.30-4.30pm
Jobs for next week
- Weeding
- Thin the apples
- Sow green manure where the chard was taken out
- Feed all the fruit with fish, blood and bone
- Slug pellets round dwarf French beans