Harvest time on the Allotment
Thursday’s misty start was a pleasant relief from the recent scorching days. The day was all about picking with so much suddenly being ready, but we did manage to net the boysenberry and the plum. The carrots sown last week in pots and kept in the shed have germinated so they were brought out, had environmesh tightly wrapped round the pots to prevent any slugs from getting in and then put in a sheltered spot.

Some of the harvest.
As for the harvesting, July is the month when all the hard work (in every week of the year) bears fruit, literally – strawberries, gooseberries (red and green), saskatoons, blueberries, celery, fennel, beetroot, peas, broad beans, potatoes (Arran Pilot and Red Duke of York) and courgettes are already to be harvested. Best of all, a large tub full of the most beautifully scented sweet peas that according to Ian who is the expert grower of these, are the best he has ever grown.
And, of course, we had the hose out.
Jobs for next week
- Dig up the remaining early potatoes
- Weed the winter brassicas, asparagus kale, old carrot bed
- Net the bramble
- Harvesting