Monday – only 12 more sleeps till Show Time

 In Blog, Bulb growing, George Anderson, Spring Show, Uncategorized

The second ‘Beast from the East’ may have gone but with the lack of warm sunshine progress on the bulb front has been slow.

The Pots of Daffodils in George’s cold glasshouse have moved very little since Friday and really need some sunshine to get them to open.

Need a little more sunshine.

Meanwhile George’s pots of Hyacinths are nearly at the correct stage and will need to be staked and titivated in readiness for the Show. The aim is to get all the flower pips fully out right to the top of the flower spike.

Nearly ready

The Caley pots of Hyacinth, Tulip and Narcissus Quail, are coming along nicely.

They are a bit slow however and may need to be given some extra warmth in the next week to hurry them up a bit.

The Caley pots of daffs, Viking, Taihiti and Pink Smiles are doing well and later this week George will bring them into the warmth of the house to get them to flower.

George brought some of his own pots of Daffodils into the house overnight and look at the difference a little extra heat made.

It is important however not to force the flowers too much. Leaving them in the warmth too long will cause the flower stems to get too long and thin and often the flowers themselves will be smaller than those grown in a cooler temperature.

Only 12 more sleeps until Show Time!!

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