Only five days to go until SHOWTIME!!!!
The last roundup.

Sunday morning – Just cut

Monday morning 24 hours on.
The Daffodil buds that George cut on Sunday have come out overnight. These blooms are the variety ‘Trena’ and will make it to the Showbench.
You still have time to do the same. Get out into your garden and cut some of the most advanced buds and bring them into the heat and watch the magic.
The Caley pots of Hyacinth, Tulip and Narcissus ‘Quail’ are all at different stages.
The Hyacinths are OK and just need to be titivated up before the show.
The Tulips need more sunlight and heat to get them to flower so will be brought inside into the warmth of the living room.
The pot of ‘Quail’ will also be brought into the warmth to bring the only flower bud evident into bloom.
The pots of ‘Viking’, ‘Pink Smiles’ and ‘Taihiti’ have grown tall in the past week.
The pot of ‘Viking’ will be put outside in the sunshine, the pots of ‘Pink Smiles’ and ‘Taihiti’ will be put next to the window in the living room. They need to be forced a little to get the flowers out in time.
This year to be a more difficult growing season than normal, even for George. So it is important that all Caley members “rally to the flag” and bring their offerings along to the Show on Friday so that together we all can make a display worthy of our name.