Some chilly nights on the Allotment
We had some good sunshine last week for the ongoing weeding of the paths and edges. Unfortunately, there were some unseasonal cold nights forecast so that will be the end of the courgettes and it seems we are not going to get any sweetcorn at all this year. The cobs developed well and were fertilised, but they do need sun and warmth to ripen and we haven’t had enough of that! The peas are now over so they were cut down, leaving the roots with their nitrogen nodules to rot down in the soil and the bed forked over. The comfrey was given its last cut of the year and the leaves added to the compost heap. There are still ‘Discovery’ apples on the bushes and now the stepover apples ‘Jupiter’ and ‘Elstar’ are ripening.
- Brussel Sprouts… in September!!
- Bright red chard
Jobs for next week
- Prepare the bed and plant the autumn onion sets
- Continue weeding the comfrey bed and other areas
- Check the sweetcorn for any possible pickings!
- Check the apples for ripeness