The work continues on the Allotment

 In Allotment, Blog

Last Thursday gave us a morning with no rain with a blink of sunshine. Oyster catchers and curlews feeding on the playing fields cheered us as we carried on with the maintenance. The repair of the raised beds continued along with the weeding – this time round the honeyberries and the north edge. There was hard work on the community bed with the removal of fruit bushes and clearing of an overgrown patch.


Working on the community plot

Finally the new fruiting shoots on the loganberry were tied in. A picking of chard, beetroot and leeks with potatoes, apples and the last of the onions rounded off the day.

Last of the autumn raspberries

Jobs for next week

  • Bonfire if conditions are right
  • Keep up the weeding
  • Raised bed repairs
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