There are Daffodils in flower in George’s garden.
There are Daffodils in flower in George’s Edinburgh Garden and with luck he will be able to cut them and bring them along to the show. The spring snow and low temperatures have made 2018 a difficult year for getting Daffodil blooms ready in time for The Caley Spring Show, however the weather is improving and perhaps things are now getting a bit easier.
Many of George’s own pots of Hyacinths and Daffodils have been moved from the cold glasshouse outside to a sunny corner on the south side of his house.
George frequently moves his pots of bulbs to make best use of the different environments in his garden. The temperature in George’s ‘cold’ glasshouse yesterday reached a maximum of 34.5C during the sunnier part of the day and dropped to +1.5 C overnight.

Caley workshop pots of Hyacinth, Tulip and Narcissus Quail
The Caley pots of Tulip, Hyacinth and Narcissus Quail are looking reasonable and George will put the Hyacinths outside to hold them back but return the tulips and Pot of Quail back into the cold glasshouse.
The other Caley pots of daffodils have grown well in the last two days and are in need of staking.

Pots in need of staking
This is done with four canes per pot and some thin green string.
As a result of staking the plants are held much more upright and present themselves much better.
George will return these pots to the cold glasshouse until they start to show colour. Only then will they be placed outside.
Just over a week to go now, things are getting exciting!
Just be aware that March is well known for windy conditions so be ready to move your pots into a sheltered place when strong winds are forecast.