Time marches on for George’s bulbs

H. Delft Blue, H. Carnegie, Tulip Christmas Pearl
The Caley Spring Show is a little less than 4 weeks away. Should we panic, well no I don’t think so. Growth in the potted bulbs has been steady and with the foliage well greened and the flower buds showing things look on schedule. So here are some photographs of my pots of Caley bulbs.

Hot Gossip, Latchley Meadows, Half Magic
The Tulips and Hyacinths are looking good. The pot of white hyacinths (Carnegie) may need to be hurried along in a couple of weeks time but the pot of Delft Blue is showing some good plump flower spikes. However I thing I will need to stake them soon just to make sure they three flower spikes are erect and not splayed out.

Half Magic
The pots of ‘Hot Gossip’, ‘ Latchley Meadows’ and ‘Half Magic’ are looking reasonable but I think that the pot of ‘Half Magic’ just needs a bit of encouragement so I have brought it into the heat of the living room and placed it at the window.
‘Half Magic’ now inside for a couple of days to encourage it to put on some growth. The blue paper sticker on the cane is set just at the foliage level so that I can see how quickly it responds to the extra heat.

Chobe River, Kiwi Orange, Viking
Meanwhile the pots of ‘Chobe River’, ‘Kiwi Orange’ and ‘Viking’ are OK and have well developed flower buds now.
The Scamp Challenge pots are doing well and some of the buds are just showing colour. They have been outside in the shade for two weeks now.

Scamp Challenge
These pots of my own bulbs have been outside now for three weeks or more and are starting to show opening flowers. I will keep them slightly on the dry side ( weather permitting) just to slow them down a bit. I may even move them into a more shaded position in the garden.
More next week