Work never stops on the Allotment
Another good day on the weeding, as we concentrate on keeping the fruit and veg beds free of weeds, with a more relaxed approach to the flower beds round the edges.
The next batch of potatoes were dug up – this time the second earlies varieties Orla and Nicola, both giving excellent returns but especially Nicola, from four tubers each.

Potato crop – Nicola on the left.
The red onions were lifted and field beans were sown as a winter green manure. Field beans are very hardy and survive on the plot to be dug in in the spring. The growing tips of the squashes were taken off. Now we are in the middle of August, we want all the energy of the plants to go to the existing squashes.
The runner beans are in full flower and promising a bumper harvest and we are managing to keep up with the courgettes and welcome the ones which want to be marrows.
Caley Allotment Open Day Sunday 20 August 2pm-4pm.
Everyone is welcome to come along and visit us. We will have a produce stall with produce from the allotment.
N.B. The workshop with George Anderson is now fully booked but I can add your name to the waiting list for a cancellation.
Jobs for next week
- Finish weeding the cooking apple bed
- Tidy up the winter brassicas
- Take out the cauliflower roots
- Get the hose out for the fruit etc