Allotment Update – Thursday 7th April

 In Allotment, Blog

A wet and chilly start to our stint last Thursday – still too cold and wet to do any seed sowing or to plant the first of the potatoes. However, we kept warm by preparing the bed for the carrots with digging out four trenches, sieving the soil and returning the sieved soil to the trench so there will be no stones that will encourage the carrots to fork. The battle against the green alkanet continued.

The gooseberries with dead branches were identified as suffering from coral spot so the dead one was dug up and the dead top branch sawn off the other.

The hazel windbreak is being replaced with a living hedge. We had a look at the windbreak today to see about doing some repairs in the meantime, but the branches are now too brittle and break on touch so all we can do is hope the hedge grows quickly enough before the windbreak blows down in a gale.

And we had a delivery of a very large box of straw today to strew around the strawberries and keep the fruit clean and dry. It was too big for our sheds but a wrapping in plastic should keep it dry enough for a few weeks.

Jobs for next week

  • Once again try for sowing the first of the carrots, beetroot, turnips and kohl rabi
  • Plant 2 rows of early potatoes
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