Another week on the allotment
Sunny and mild days this week on the allotment. The yellowing leaves were removed from the brassicas and the ground round about, as leaving them on the ground gives a home to unwanted wildlife such as slugs and snails. The brassicas were all given a feed of fish blood and bone.

Cabbage root fly on the red cabbage

Cabbage Root Fly
The red cabbage plants which had been brought in have almost all suffered from cabbage root fly causing very poor growth so they were all removed except one which is looking OK.
More woodchip was shovelled up from the area round the table and weed-suppressing matting was laid on the paths to reduce the weeding workload.
The strong winds earlier in the week were the last straw for the posts holding the willow windbreak, with several now loose and absolutely not vertical, so another job for the next few weeks. The training wires are well hidden in the windbreak so we need to find a way to maintain the woven shape without the whole windbreak collapsing.
Pickings this week of cabbage – which was supposed to be ready in December/January- as well as sprouts, chard, leeks and kale.