Autumn tidying on the Allotment
A start today on tidying up the storage and the old compost bins area, taking down most of the rotten pallets and rethinking how to store the netting and canes etc.
The roof of the newer shed has been leaking and on investigation we found the felt had developed leaks so plastic was put over the roof as a temporary measure until we get it re-felted.
The grass had its last cut of the year. The soft fruit had the new shoots tied in and a start was made on a light pruning of the willow. The longer stems will be used to weave windbreaks to protect the soft fruit.

Lovely Chard
The damson is a strong grower but we want to ensure that the fruiting happens within reaching distance of people standing on the ground. We made a start by reducing the apical dominance of the tree by weighting down the larger branches. This will be a slow business since we don’t want to weaken the joints of the stems but it should help fruiting buds to develop and keep the fruit within easy picking range.

Why checking the stored apples and potatoes is important.
We are planning for a bonfire to dispose of the prunings etc so the drier they are the better. All the material for burning was stacked up to speed up the drying process. The ash from the bonfire will be rich in potash and it will be spread around the fruit.
Jobs for the week
- Cut the grass edges
- Weed the currant bed
- Tidy the shed