George is looking forward to seeing the show entries

 In Blog, Bulb growing, George Anderson, Spring Show

The Virtual Spring Show is nearly upon us and The Caley pots of bulbs are standing to attention and brimming with anticipation. All in all it has been a challenging season, with colder than usual weather, snow, frost and latterly gales!!  The pot off Candela Tulips have been open for more than a week now and are nearly past their best, the pot of ‘Arleston’ daffodils has produced some excellent blooms and the pot of ‘Jan Bos’ Hyacinths, like the Tulips are starting to go over nevertheless.

There are some cracking flowers in the pot of the Division 3 daffodil ‘Fairy Island’ and on the Double flowered ‘Angkor’ and both make good pots for the showbench. However I am not a fan of the ‘American Heritage’ it is an interesting Division 1 Daffodil with a different colour form but the stems are a bit weak. It does not present itself well. I may have given it too much heat trying to get it into flower.

The two pots of Scamp Challenge have thrown up some good flowers but whose flower will be the best on the show bench, George, Gill or someone else?

Spruce up you pots and get them photographed and sent in and remember you can also cut individual flowers for the cut flower class either from your pots or indeed from your garden. Read the schedule and fill the benches.

I am looking forward to seeing your blooms.

Stay safe and keep smiling

Note: The only restricted entry class is the Scamp Challenge all other classes our open to both members and non-members. Entries should be submitted to by close of play (yes midnight) on Friday 2nd April.  

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