Getting busy on the Allotment
It was a great pleasure on Thursday to see most of the grafts for the apple tree which has bad canker have taken so we now have a replacement growing away.

Successful grafting
Planting was the priority in the sunshine. It is time to be getting the winter brassicas in and the Brussel sprouts and purple sprouting broccoli were planted under enviromesh to keep them free from aphids and white fly. More courgettes (yellow ones) and squashes were put in and the comfrey had its first cut with the leaves being added to the compost heap and some into a bucket for making the comfrey tea fertiliser.

Crimson flowers on the broad beans
The carrots in the tubs and the parsnips were thinned. The garlic – variety Garcia – was dug up and looking good.

Garlic harvest
Everything is growing well, the strawberries are colouring up, the early potatoes and the broad beans are in flower and our new unusual veg, Mashua from the Andes, is doing well

We are still getting a picking from the chard and next week should get early cabbage. Plenty of rhubarb too of course.
Jobs for next week
- Plant the leeks
- Start apple thinning
- Plant the dwarf Jerusalem artichoke
- Thin the innula
- Plant runner beans
- Thin shallots to 3 bulbs per plant
- Tie in new growth on soft fruit
- Sow dwarf French beans