Here we go!
Here we go again in the race to prepare bulbs for the 2024 Caley Spring Show.
As usual I lifted my bulbs on Valentines Day and having cleaned up the pots, I set them out in the cold glasshouse where they will sit un-watered for at least ten days.
I have to say that some of them looked a bit bedraggled when they emerged from the plunge bed but I am sure they will soon recover.

Tulip and Hyacinth. The tulips were in a different plunge and were lifted on 25th Jan hence why they are more advanced while the hyacinths were perhaps too deep in the plunge and so are rather taller than I wished at this stage.

The Scamp Challenge bulbs are in 3 litre pots this year and are showing mixed stages of growth

Lindsay Joy and Feock are similar with one pot looking ok while the other is a bit behind.

Ombersley and Tamar Fire are both looking in fine fettle.
I suspect that with the current mild weather that the bulbs will be earlier into flower this year so the task later will be to ty and hold them back.
Every year is different and equally as enjoyable and challenging.
More next week