Only a few days to go
With one week to go before the Caley Spring Show and if your bulbs are anything like mine there will be many of them that are able to make it to the Show.
The Cape Cod tulips have been showing great colour all week and I have had to keep them in the shade. However it is touch and go if they will make it to the show-bench. The pot of Carnegie hyacinths meantime are looking much better than I thought they would.
The pots of Scamp Challenge bulbs should produce a couple of flowers for their class. The flowers have been out for just over a week now so a place out of the sun is their fate for the next week.

Scamp Challenge
The pot of Lindsay Joy has not performed as well as I had hoped, the bulbs didn’t seem to enjoy their compost. However there are a few flowers for the cut flower section. The pot of Feock has done much better and might stand a chance in the pot section.

Lindsay Joy and Feock
The pots of Ombersley and Tamar Fire have flowered well and each of them should produce flowers for the cut flower sections.

Tamar Fire and Ombersley
Where you are entering pots of bulbs into the show, make sure that your pot size is correct for the section and that you have cleaned the pots. I always moss the top of any pots I am entering.
Just remember, always read the show schedule.
Good luck at the Show.