Repairing the damage on the Allotment

 In Allotment, Blog

Quick repairs were needed on Thursday to the supports which have suffered in the recent strong winds . The runner bean frame was pulled straight with guy ropes and the rotten post on the espalier apples had yet another splint added to it. Replacing this will be one of our winter jobs. The broad beans for Christmas harvesting were staked and also netted which will help to break the wind.

The grass was cut, the old fruiting canes from the soft fruit cut off and weeding round the outside edges continued. We had our first crop form the recently planted damson.  It was small but very welcome.

We are still picking sweetcorn – the best crop ever for us though the pheasants have discovered it and have damaged some of the plants. The courgettes are still producing so they were left for another week.

We put entries into this year’s Caley and FEDAGA Autumn Show held at Saughton Park and were delighted with the results for the sweetcorn, blueberries, cabbage (though there was no competition for the largest cabbage!) and a plate of four apples.

Jobs for next week

  • Stake the sprouts and broccoli
  • Check the onions
  • Prepare the bed for autumn planted onion sets
  • Move the other compost bin to the bin bed
  • Prepare for the first bonfire in October
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