This week on the allotment
Thursday was a day of April showers so some time needed to be spent sheltering from the rain. Some useful weeding done, deadheading of the flowers now over and daffodils and tulips from the Spring Show planted out to add to next year’s spring display.
- Sweet peas planted
- Woodchip added to the paths
The sweet peas were put in and the sprouting broccoli taken out. It has not done well this year, possibly because the plants were damaged by the heavy frosts in November. The kale though is still flourishing and a good picking today from it.
There was not time to prepare the bed for the planting of the main crop potatoes so a job for next week.
There was a frost last night with some browning seen on the plum blossom and the cold also seemed to have hit the mashua stalks.
Fortunately the cherry blossom is still to come but that will need netted soon to protect the buds from the birds.
Jobs for next week
Plant the potatoes
Net the cherry
Put fleece over the strawberries to bring them on