Where, oh where, have our squashes gone!

The bean bed – with grass cuttings as a mulch.
The sowing and planting for the summer crops are almost finished. On Thursday, we planted out the runner beans (various varieties), some borlotti beans which are better for drying, French climbing beans and dwarf French beans. We also did a succession sowing of peas in another three rows and planted out the leeks bought from Gardening Scotland last weekend. The ground was enriched with a good mixture of the last of the manure, seaweed and compost and all were barrier netted to protect against the rabbits.

Some of our fruit – Honeyberry, Tayberry and currants.
We are having a problem with carrots this year. The ones which had germinated last week have disappeared and there is no further sign of anymore. Probably the slugs are responsible so hopefully Some more have been sown in pots at home to give us a chance of a crop. The germination in the same bed for the beetroot and kohl rabi has also been poor, most likely for the same reason.
Still to be planted are the remaining squashes – variety Patty Pan – which went walkabout today, but I hope will come back to us for next week!
Jobs for next week
- Sow the squashes!
- Put down slug pellets (organic, of course)
- Move the remaining winter brassicas to permanent positions
- Turn the compost heap