Work, Work, Work on the Allotment
On a dull April day we finished planting out the potatoes with trenches a spade’s depth dug and a layer of manure and leaf mould mixed in with the soil at the bottom, then the trench filled in and a ridge created.

Sieving the compost
The last of the kale was taken out since it is beginning to flower but the shoots before they flower are still a tasty green vegetable.
Garlic was planted (variety Solent Wight) and the grass had its final cut before we go for ‘No-mow May’.
Weeding as ever continues and the onion bed is now totally weedless at least for a little while and hard work goes on to remove the green alkanet from the plot.
There is good leaf growth on the strawberries but no sign of flowers yet due to the cold spring. They were given a fleece cover to help them along.

Fleecing the strawberries
Daffodils and tulips from the Spring Show were planted to add to next year’s spring colour. The sweet peas are growing well and were tied in to the canes.
There has been very little rain. It is a good idea to keep newly planted fruit bushes well-watered so ours were given a soak to encourage good root growth.
Jobs for next week
- Plant out peas and broad beans brought on at home
- Sow carrots, beetroot, turnips, pea