A windy day on the Allotment
Thursday was blustery start to (almost) March, so it was too windy for a bonfire. However the ground was dry enough to start digging in the green manure. The pruning of the willows grown as a windbreak was finished and the prunings tidied up for later use and we made good use of a delivery of woodchip to top up the paths.

A shoot growing from the rootstock of one of the apples was separated from the trunk and planted out to create the rootstock for a future grafting operation. Finally the cherry tree was netted – needing all of us to hold the netting and fix it securely. Bullfinches especially love cherry tree buds so these will be safe until they burst into bloom when the netting will be removed.

Jobs for next week
- Bonfire
- Dig in green manure
- Prepare onion bed
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