Week 2 from George
The weather continues on the mild side with just the occasional temperature dip below freezing. As a consequence the various pots of show bulbs continue to advance their growth. Most of them have been sitting outside in a sheltered, shaded spot and have been fed with some organic potato fertilizer but not watered. I will give them a water and liquid feed this week.
The pot of Tulip, Cape Cod is just starting to show flower buds so will be kept in the shade meantime. The pot of (Carnegie ) Hyacinths are putting up reasonable single flower spikes and will also be kept in the shade.
The two pots of Scamp Challenge daffodils are now showing a few flower buds. They will be fed and watered this week. They look poorer than I wished but hey Ho we just need single flowers to exhibit in the Scamp Challenge at the Show.
There is a good crop of flower buds on the pot of Feock while the thinner pot of Lindsay Joy still has some developing to do before the end of the month.

Lindsay Joy & Feock
The pots of Ombersley and Tamar Fire look good and with the flower buds starting to swell will have to be kept shaded and in a sheltered spot to slow them down.

Ombersley & Tamar Fire
We have a whole month to go until the Caley Spring Show so there is plenty time for the weather to change.
I will leave all my pots outside in a cool shaded spot and keep them fed and watered.
one of the next jobs will be to start staking those that are getting a bit too tall, but that can wait.
More next week.