It is a bit like musical chairs

 In Bulb growing, Spring Show

Another wet and windy day so many of the pots from outside have been put in the glasshouse just to be on the safe side.






And the Hyacinths are in a shaded spot.







The Caley daffodil bulbs are coming along nicely and with three weeks to go should be in flower and ready for the Show bench if I can just keep them cool and sheltered from this wind.


The Tulips are just starting to show a hint of colour and will need to be watched carefully. I don’t want them to open before the show so will keep them shaded in order to hold them back.

Not so with the Caley pots of Rapture and the Hyacinths which are all really well into flower. Here it is a case of keeping the fingers crossed that they will last until the great day, shaded corner required.


It is all a bit like musical chairs at the moment, in the shade, in the sun, in the shelter in the open.

One could get quite dizzy.

More later

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