Planting garlic on the Allotment
Thursday was another amazingly mild day for the time of year and a good blow coming in from the south-west. A good day for a bonfire to burn up the roots of the autumn raspberry which had phytophthora and other dry prunings.
November is the time to be planting garlic. We have planted varieties Garcua, Topadrome, Maddock Wight and Caulk Wight. The green alkanet had another attack and there are always weeds needing removed.

Garlic planting
The Mashua is setting seed which we shall save and sow. Planting the tubers will give us a cloned plant but the seeds should throw up variations.
The shed had been leaking on the west side. It is now getting on for 20 years old and the wood is splitting with holes appearing in it. It was given a coat of wood preservative today and we’ll try wood filler on the holes next week.
Another winter maintenance job is the repair of the raised beds so the measurements were taken and new planks will be put in next week.
Jobs for next week
- Permanent stakes for the summer rasps
- Replace the rotten wood on the raised beds
- Wood filler on the shed
- Cut down the Jerusalem artichokes
- Prepare for the move of the bramble and saskatoon