The Allotment Team are back!
Thursday was our first day back on the allotment after the festive period break but only after a sit-down in the warmth of the cafe where we had a catchup and discussed plans for the plot for this year.

Checking the potatoes
After the meeting we checked the stored potatoes for rot and spread fir tree branches round the blueberries. Blueberries like an acid soil and the soil on the plot is alkaline. We are no longer using peat, of course, to improve the acidity but conifer needles are acidic so as they rot down they will help to keep up the acidic level in the soil. We also add coffee grounds and tea leaves.

Spreading the fir tree branches
There are still leeks, kale and sprouts for harvesting but the chard and pak choi have suffered badly from the frost. Next time we shall grow them under shelter.
Our ever-popular winter fruit pruning workshop will be held on Sunday 18 February from 2pm-4pm with George Anderson wielding the secateurs.
The workshop is free but booking is essential. To book your space, please send an email to
Jobs for next week
- Continue clearing the playpen area
- Check the pavers for using to build a sheltered bed
- Check labelling of fruit for pruning workshop next month