George checks the progress of his bulbs for the show

 In Blog, Bulb growing, George Anderson, Spring Show

The sun is shining here in #Sunnyjoppa today.

The pots of bulbs for the Caley show are continuing to put on growth and have now been watered twice with a high potash liquid feed.

The pot of Tulip ‘Candela’ now has most of its flowerbuds showing and with the sunny weather there is a danger that the flowers will start to open. I will keep an eye on it and move the pot outside to a shaded spot if that happens. The pot of Narcissus ‘Arelston’ looks OK and the pot of ‘Jan Bos’ Hyacinths are now showing good colour and the individual flower pips are starting to expand. I will leave it in the cold glasshouse for another week.

The pots of Narcissus are OK but the pot of ‘Fairy Island’ and ‘American Heritage’ need a little bit of encouragement and so I will move them into the house for a couple of days or so and sit them next to a south facing window just to push them on a bit.

The pot of ‘Angkor’ will stay in the cold glasshouse as it now has well developed flowerbuds which are filling out well.

Meanwhile the two pots of Scamp Challenge bulbs are still more or less neck and neck. Who knows which one will produce the best bloom.

Keep pottering. Not long until the Show.


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