George’s bulb blog for 2022 begins!
Having lifted my Caley Bulbs on Burns night, they may be slightly ahead of those that are lifted this weekend at Saughton. However, they will soon catch up. The pots were lifted from the plunge, cleaned off ( where some of the loose compost was removed from the top of the pots to make room for watering later) and placed in the cold glasshouse. The pots will not be watered for the first ten days. By leaving them to dry out it allows you to monitor and control their growth.
The pots of ‘Eastbrook Sunrise’, ‘Cameo Frills’and ‘Jersey Roundabout’ are looking OK .
The pots of ‘Lancaster ‘ and ‘Foxfire’ look reasonable, but the pot of Tulip ‘Haute Couture’ has been nibbled by slugs.
I have planted the Scamp Challenge bulbs in 3 litre pots to give them a bit more growing space and they look OK at the moment.
The pots of Hyacinth ‘City of Haarlem’ and ‘Miss Saigon’ each have issues either from double flower spikes or shoots from offsets.
- H. City of Haarlem; H. Miss Saigon
- Miss Saigon
I will deal with them later.
There are 8 weeks to go until the Show – the countdown has started.
Good Luck