George has his pots safe and sheltered, are yours?
With snow and winds forecast once again for the next few days it might be best if you move your pots of bulbs into a more sheltered location. Mine are comfortable ensconced in the cold glasshouse and will remain there for the time being.
The pots of ‘Easterbrook Sunrise’, ‘Cameo Frills’ and ‘Jersey Roundabout’ have put on some modest growth in the past week and like the other pots will be given their second dilute feed of tomato fertilizer this weekend.
The pot of ‘Lancaster’ is growing slowly and if it is to be ready in time for the show might need a bit of a ‘hurry up’ later on. The pot of ‘Foxfire’ looks OK.
The two pots of the Scamp Challenge daffodils in 3 litre pots and grown for cut flower are continuing to perform well and a choice on which one is Gill’s may have to be made soon.
The foliage on the Tulip ‘Haute Couture’ is starting to spread ad the new leaves appear free from slug damage. The pots of Hyacinths, both ‘Miss Saigon and ‘City of Haarlem’ have issues that need to be addressed.
The pot of Hyacinth ‘Miss Saigon’ has some double flower spikes and I have reduced the flower shoots to one per bulb. This will allow more space and energy for the remaining flower spike. The Show Schedule requires only one flower spike per bulb on hyacinths.
- Before
- After
Meanwhile the pot of Hyacinth ‘ City of Haarlem’ had some excess side shoots. These have also been carefully removed so that there is now more energy and nutrition for the flower spikes.
- Before
- After
Just SIX weeks until the show.
The excitement mounts.
Happy pottering